Welsh Labour “Distraught” Carwyn Jones Didn’t Resign mdi-fullscreen

Carwyn Jones’s attempt to tough-out the controversy over his handling of the Carl Sargeant tragedy is going down terribly in Welsh Labour. Mark Tami, the Labour MP who shared Sargeant’s constituency, last night called for an independent inquiry into the party’s handling of the allegations, which he said “was not up to it”. Tami said he found the First Minister’s statement “confusing”…

There were emotional scenes following Jones’s press conference last night. Labour Deputy Leader of Flintshire Council Bernie Attridge fought back tears as he slammed the First Minister for not resigning:

“I’m distraught that the man [Carwyn Jones] hasn’t done the decent thing. The way he’s treated my friend is shocking. I will not let him get away with this. I will fight to the bitter end for justice for my friend Carl Sargeant.”

Meanwhile, former Welsh Labour government minister Leighton Andrews joined calls for an independent inquiry and said Jones had not answered questions properly:

“He’s not answered the questions that people across Wales are asking. He’s not answering the questions that were raised by Carl’s solicitor… there are questions about why he did those interviews on Monday… There’s widespread anger in Wales… people are deeply unhappy about what has happened to Carl Sargeant, a good friend to so many people. They want answers.”

Jones suggested his freedom to provide answers was limited by a coroner’s inquest. But media law experts dismissed this as “nonsense”. This is all looking very bad for Carwyn Jones…

mdi-tag-outline Labour Party Welsh Government
mdi-account-multiple-outline Carwyn Jones
mdi-timer November 10 2017 @ 09:54 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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