Muslim Labour Candidate: Champion is Brave Not Racist mdi-fullscreen

As virtue-signalling offence-taking Corbynistas succeed in getting Sarah Champion kicked out of the Shadow Cabinet, worth listening to (non-practicing) Muslim Labour candidate Amina Lone on Newsnight. She says Champion has been “used as a scapegoat” and was “an easy target“. Lone, whose was born to Pakistani parents, says she is “despairing” about Champion’s resignation because these “difficult conversations” need to be had. She says on Twitter:

“I grew up in a Muslim community where these attitudes were common. “White girls are easy” “Nobody cares about them” “They are just slags” “They parents don’t look after them properly” etc were/are still said today. I hear it regularly. Sarah Champion was talking about a particular type of grooming which is carried by men because of their cultural/religious practices. Obvs not all men. She is not a racist but a brave woman speaking out about a politically awkward issue. Labour, bury your heads as much as you like in the black & white purist world you push. The chickens will come home to roost.”

Will any Labour politician dare to speak out about this important issue following Champion’s sacking? This is a dangerous precedent…

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mdi-account-multiple-outline Amina Lone Sarah Champion
mdi-timer August 17 2017 @ 09:21 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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