Weak and Wobbly May U-Turns and Exaggerates “Fake Claims” mdi-fullscreen

Theresa May has u-turned on her dementia tax policy and “clarified” that it will include an absolute limit on how much people will pay in care costs. The Tories are failing to put a figure on that limit. An exasperated May repeated “Nothing has changed”. That’s not true, this is a change in the policy, with no detail, uncosted.

May also bizarrely repeated the term “fake claims” to describe how the policy had been portrayed by Corbyn and the media. It is correct that Corbyn got the Tory social care policy wrong. But it is Trump-level alternative facts from May to describe the fears people had about the original policy meaning they could lose their homes as “fake claims”. They were not “fake claims”, they were fears about the policy as it was originally announced, made not just by Corbyn but by politicians and columnists on the right as well. That is why they had to u-turn. More “weak and wobbly” than “strong and stable”. So much for taking the tough decisions…

UPDATE: The Tories are arguing that Labour’s “fake claims” led people to believe people could lose their homes while they were still alive, rather than after they died. The Tories are correct that under the original policy no one would have lost their home while they were alive. Though not being able to pass your home onto your children surely also counts as losing your home…

mdi-tag-outline Social Care Tories
mdi-account-multiple-outline Theresa May
mdi-timer May 22 2017 @ 12:07 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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