May Also Misleading on “Dementia Tax” Origin mdi-fullscreen

At her speech this morning Theresa May chastised a reporter for using the phrase “dementia tax”, insisting it is a term “used by Labour to try and scare people”. Hmm. The first person to use the phrase “dementia tax” in an article was the Spectator’s Will Heaven, a former Tory speechwriter. Hardly a Labour supporter. “The Dementia Tax Backlash” was the front page splash of yesterday’s Mail on Sunday. Hardly a Labour supporting paper. It was first tweeted by a chap called Phil Lewis, who appears to have nothing to do with the Labour Party. Even the Tories have used the phrase “so-called dementia tax” in Google adverts targeting people searching for the issue. Labour might be using the phrase “dementia tax” as well, but they are far from the only ones…

mdi-tag-outline Spin Tories
mdi-account-multiple-outline Theresa May
mdi-timer May 22 2017 @ 15:01 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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