Neil Coyle’s Spicy, Pricey Spanish Sausage mdi-fullscreen

Spare a thought for Labour MP Neil Coyle. Neil is perhaps the most publicly aggressive Corbyn-hating Labour moderate in parliament. An arch-Remainer, he is taking Brexit particularly badly. And his Bermondsey seat is under significant threat from the LibDems. So this weekend Coyle tried to cheer himself up by going shopping. In a package for the Sunday Politics, he paid a visit to the Brindisa Spanish food shop in hipster heaven Borough Market. It really is the pantry of the metropolitan elite, you can buy an “artisan selection box” for £65, a single Spanish ham for £800, as well as an assortment of expensive hampers and tapas sets perfect for a London Labour dinner party.

Set to sad, slow jazz, Coyle reported the sob story of how Brindisa prices are going up post-referendum. Brexit is just terrible, dahling, how will we ever afford our £800 Spanish hams now? 

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mdi-timer April 4 2017 @ 12:19 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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