UKIP EGM Imminent mdi-fullscreen

ukip leadership 2016

Allies of Nigel Farage and Steven Woolfe believe they have the numbers to call an Extraordinary General Meeting and attempt to abolish UKIP’s NEC. They need 25% of UKIP branches to vote for an EGM for one to be called. Since Woolfe was the favourite among members before he was blocked from the ballot that shouldn’t be a problem. Arron Banks says an announcement could come today and a new party constitution will be proposed…

Also worth keeping an eye on Diane James. The Faragists might like to abolish the NEC and rerun the leadership contest, but if that doesn’t happen they are left with two choices: split and form a new party, or back a candidate who is on the ballot. They want to stop Evans/O’Flynn-backed Lisa Duffy at all costs. That leaves Diane as the only credible choice…

UPDATE 10:52am: UKIP MEPs and branch chairmen are now hitting the phones to organise a resolution to call a full party EGM. Big day for UKIP behind the scenes…

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mdi-timer August 5 2016 @ 08:51 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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