Shock Study Shows Journalists Twice as Likely to Be Lefties mdi-fullscreen


The Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism has a new in-depth study of British journalists out. No doubt most reports of the study will focus on the under-representation of minorities, the glass ceiling for women and ignore the finding that British journalists are more godless than most people. That’s because most journalists are lefties….

The survey asked journalists to self define their politics on a 1 to 10 scale. According to their own judgement about half of journalists take a left-of-centre political stance, with barely a quarter outing themselves as right-wing. Right-of-centre political beliefs seemingly increase with seniority:

This pattern differs somewhat between journalists of different ranks and levels of responsibility. Our survey shows that, while the proportion of journalists with a centrist political view stays fairly steady across the ranks, there is a clear increase in right-of-centre journalists in more senior roles, and a corresponding decrease in left-of-centre journalists, particularly above the rank of junior manager.

Clear thinking smarter people apparently do rise to the top in the media meritocracy. Frankly Guido is happy that most of his competitors are left-wing, it makes our output even more unique…

mdi-tag-outline Data Journalism Reuters Statistics
mdi-timer May 9 2016 @ 13:59 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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