Board of Deputies Condemn Corbyn’s “Disturbing” Defence of Brother mdi-fullscreen

As damning as you can get from the Board of Deputies of British Jews on Jeremy Corbyn. Its president Jonathan Arkush condemns the Labour leader for defending his brother’s race row tweets:

“Jeremy Corbyn’s defence of his brother’s belittling of the problem of antisemitism is deeply disturbing. We cannot imagine that any other minority’s concerns would be dismissed off-hand in this way. In the last few weeks we have witnessed a stream of clear-cut cases of antisemitism in the Labour Party, which can’t just be fobbed off as differences over Israel. Most of the Jewish community, numerous Labour MPs, Labour peers, and Labour’s London mayoral candidate are crying out for the leader to take action on antisemitism. It would be incomprehensible for Mr Corbyn to remain inert and refuse to take this form of racism in his party seriously.”

Piers Corbyn also said he wants an “answer” as to why ISIS was not attacking Israel and promoted material claiming Israel was responsible for 9/11. Corbyn is still standing by him…

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mdi-account-multiple-outline Jeremy Corbyn Piers Corbyn
mdi-timer April 7 2016 @ 10:17 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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