Blow For Reckless and Hamilton mdi-fullscreen

UKIP have been arguing among themselves once again, this time in Wales. Welsh ‘Kippers want the right to choose their own Welsh Assembly candidates, and have been fighting against senior figures who want to install Mark Reckless and Neil Hamilton at the top of the list. In a blow to Reckless and Hamilton’s chances, UKIP’s NEC has ruled in favour of the Welsh membership, who will now have the decisive say. Bad news for the centrally imposed candidates who were not popular among local members – according to unimpressed local sources, Reckless had never visited even Wales before last year. Guido is told direct democracy campaigner Douglas Carswell ironically voted in favour of the top down imposition of Reckless from above. Anything that helps keep Hamilton away from voters is probably a good thing for the party.

mdi-tag-outline UKIP Wales
mdi-account-multiple-outline Douglas Carswell Mark Reckless
mdi-timer February 4 2016 @ 16:16 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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