Pro-EU Scaremongers: Remain or the Birds Get It! mdi-fullscreen


In perhaps the most bizarre justification for staying in the EU yet, a group of academics and environmental officials have written to Environment Secretary Liz Truss arguing that Brexit would cause significant damage to the UK environment:

“Britain’s membership of the European Union has had a hugely positive effect on the quality of Britain’s beaches, our water and rivers, our air and many of our rarest birds, plants and animals and their habitats. Being part of the Union has enabled us to co-ordinate action and agree policies that have improved our quality of life, including the air we breathe, the seas we fish in, and have protected the wildlife which crosses national boundaries”.

It’s surprising to hear the EU is so beneficial to the environment considering the estimated 19,000 tonnes of CO2 that MEPs rack up each year nipping between Brussels and Strasbourg. And who knew the birds and the bees were so dependent on the EU? One wonders just how the wildlife of the UK survived before 1973…

mdi-tag-outline EU Gaia Fawkes
mdi-timer January 28 2016 @ 15:16 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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