Nadine on Ten Years of Osborne mdi-fullscreen

Three years after she called him an “arrogant posh boy”, Nads has torn Osborne a new one, again:

Jo Coburn: Could he be the next leader?

Nadine Dorries: Over… I would say the answer to that would be no.

JC: So really, George Osborne… is still privileged and out of touch in your mind?

ND: Look, George Osborne has spent the last ten years giving out sweeties to Conservative backbenchers, Labour Party people do it running for leadership as well. Sort of buying the friends, giving out the jobs. He’s run out of jobs to be able to give to people. He’s spent ten years buying votes on the backbenches, and the frontbenches too because he’s made those people into positions, so that one day they will vote for George Osborne to be leader. If that happens then I think what we need to do really, in all parties, is look at how our political system works because I don’t think it’s right that anybody of privilege should be able to come into parliament and use their privilege and their education, their background, in order to secure their career progression into the role of Prime Minister in the future. Because if George Osborne becomes Prime Minister, that is how he has done it.

JC: Would you leave the Party at that point?

ND: Well, we may have this discussion another day Jo.

So… put her down as a maybe?

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mdi-account-multiple-outline George Osborne Nadine Dorries
mdi-timer December 8 2015 @ 13:59 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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