Global Warming Vindicated As Oxford Temperatures Skyrocket mdi-fullscreen


Guido is sorry to report that one of the world’s oldest meteorological stations has become somewhat neglected as of late. The Radcliffe Meteorological Station in Oxford has provided data since 1767 and has historically formed part of the Central England Temperature Record, often cited as the longest instrumental record of temperature in the world“. 

Unfortunately it appears that the climate scientists of today don’t hold the station in such high esteem, having decided to plonk a ventilator for a heated tent a few yards away from the highly sensitive temperature recording devices. Oops…

The Oxford School of Geography and the Environment, which oversees the station, states on its website that the centre can boast an “almost unparalleled record unbroken since 1815″, and that it sees “no reason why the Station should not continue to provide valuable data for at least the next two hundred years”. Unless of course the Bullingdon need another heated tent to throw a soiree, in which case temperatures may rise…

mdi-tag-outline Gaia Fawkes
mdi-timer November 27 2015 @ 11:34 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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