Carney: We Will Make Brexit Work mdi-fullscreen

This is what the BSE campaign’s Will Straw press released following Mark Carney’s speech on the EU last month:

“The Governor of the Bank of England has now overwhelming made the case that our membership of the EU single market increases our stability, our dynamism, and our economic growth. Day by day, one by one, the out campaigns’ economic arguments are falling apart… the person responsible for maintaining Britain’s financial stability [has] unambiguously underlined the value to the UK economy of our place in the EU, and that Britain is stronger, safer, and better off inside Europe than we would be out on our own.”

Are Remainers telling the truth when they claim Carney “overwhelmingly” and “unambiguously” reckons Britain will be weaker, less safe and worse off outside the EU?

The Bank of England governor was on Sky News this morning, where he slapped down the scaremongers by insisting he will make Brexit “work” if that is what “the British people decide“.

“Our job is to make whatever the British people decide work. And there’s a status quo, we’re making that work and we think it is working, but if things change we will do what’s necessary.”

It is also worth pointing out that Carney is also on the record warning “the majority of the legislation and regulation applying to the financial sector in the UK is determined at EU level”, and that the EU was “a key link in the chain” by which the financial crisis affected Britain. Don’t believe the BSE spin: Carney’s actual “unambiguous” position is that the Bank of England will be able to do its job whatever the outcome of the referendum…

mdi-tag-outline Bank of England EU
mdi-account-multiple-outline Mark Carney
mdi-timer November 11 2015 @ 09:59 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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