“Security” No. 10’s Corbyn Attack Line of Choice mdi-fullscreen


There is one word we will be hearing a lot from Downing Street if and when Corbyn becomes leader. David Cameron mentions “security” six times in an article attacking Jezza for the Times today:

[Economic stability] is what makes it possible to deliver the security we all yearn for. At the heart of our election manifesto was that simple goal: to give people securitySecurity is formed of many things… getting the training you need to secure a worthwhile career… The most important source of security is a well-paid job… It’s that combination of recovery and reform that will enable us to help those who often have the least security

Got the message?

If that wasn’t subtle enough, George Osborne used No. 10’s new buzzword a total of eight times in a very repetitive op-ed for the Sun over the weekend, including three times in the first line:

“This is a Government that puts security first – our national security and our economic security… that consensus, which is so important for our security and reliability as an ally, risks being shattered…The UK’s future security is threatened… the return of the unilateralists to British politics threatens our nation’s future security… For the new unilateralists of British politics are a threat to our future national security and to our economic security”

That’s 14 times in 48 hours…

“My concern is that we do everything we can to protect and enhance the security of the United Kingdom” was Cameron’s only previous comment on Corbyn, made two weeks ago. The Tories were masters of thematic campaigning in May, and their new mot du jour has the benefit of ringing true…

mdi-tag-outline Labour Leadership Labour Party Spin Tories
mdi-account-multiple-outline David Cameron George Osborne Jeremy Corbyn
mdi-timer September 1 2015 @ 07:30 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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