UKIP / Tory Row Over EU Campaign Conference Ban mdi-fullscreen

‘The Know’, a Eurosceptic group which is seeking designation as the official ‘No’ campaign for the EU referendum, claims to have been banned from Tory conference this afternoon:

Are the Tories really refusing to give a platform to Eurosceptic groups at their party conference?

‘The Know’, which claims to be “non-partisan and independent” on its website, has been accused of being a front group for UKIP. A leaked UKIP internal email revealing party support for the group, while UKIP have officially praised them as “good people” with “resources, imagination and vim“. What’s more, ‘The Know’ was launched by UKIP donor Arron Banks, who infamously defected from the Conservatives by writing a million pound cheque to Farage on the final day of last year’s Tory conference. Looks like the Tories are now getting their revenge…

mdi-tag-outline EU Tories UKIP
mdi-account-multiple-outline Arron Banks
mdi-timer August 28 2015 @ 17:06 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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