Labour Struggling to Root Out Tories and Trots mdi-fullscreen

Some good old silly season fun from Labour HQ, who have caught Tory MP Tim Loughton trying to sign up and vote for Corbyn. How was Loughton rumbled? Probably something to do with the fact he did it from his parliamentary email address and wrote that his reason for voting was “to consign Labour to oblivion for a generation”. Mischievous ‘registered supporters’ are encouraged to register their support with slightly more subtlety.

A Labour spokesman wouldn’t cough when Guido asked exactly how many Tories and Trots they have managed to root out, simply insisting a “robust system is in place”. A few weeks ago LabourList reported that “around 30” entryists had been caught, of which half were Tories. Today that number is “40 or 50”. A drop in the ocean of the real number of Tories and loony lefty entryists signing up to vote Jezza…

mdi-tag-outline Labour Leadership Labour Party Loony Left Silly Season
mdi-account-multiple-outline Jeremy Corbyn Tim Loughton
mdi-timer August 5 2015 @ 16:11 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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