Revealed: Cameron’s Demands to EU Leaders mdi-fullscreen


Top leak to the Guardian, revealing what the PM wants in his renegotiation deal:

  • Answering UK concerns about sovereignty by giving the UK an exemption from the EU’s historic commitment to forge an “ever closer union” of the peoples of Europe. The prime minister said the UK does not want to stop other member states from pursuing this goal but Britain needs an opt-out because the European Court of justice has used it to push through integrationist measures. He also suggested giving national parliaments the ability to club together to use yellow or red cards to block EU proposals they object to.
  • A renewed focus on competitiveness and economic growth by freeing up the service sector and promoting trade including, but not exclusively so, the EU-US transatlantic free trade agreement, which is the subject of lengthy intense negotiations.
  • Ensure fairness between eurozone and non-eurozone members to ensure that countries outside the single currency cannot have new rules in the single market imposed on them. He cited financial services and cited the example of the double majority system on the banking union. This ensures that new rules have to be agreed by a majority of eurozone and non eurozone countries.
  • Imposing restrictions on EU migrants claiming benefits. He had hoped to introduce an emergency brake but now accepts this is not possible. Cameron has been accused of planning to act in a discriminatory way after he proposed imposing a four year ban on EU migrants claiming in-work benefits.

Apparently the PM’s plan is to undermine the “risky” alternatives to staying in. Only bringing back these meagre concessions would also be quite a risk…

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mdi-account-multiple-outline David Cameron
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