UKIP Suspend Janice Atkinson mdi-fullscreen

UKIP have suspended MEP Janice Atkinson over allegations of financial irregularities. A spokesman says:

“The party is incredibly disappointed with Ms. Atkinson, who appears to have exercised extremely poor judgement in acting in a way that the party has never, and would never condone. The party has acted swiftly and immediately, and just as we showed when we suspended another MEP for financial irregularities, we always maintain a zero tolerance attitude towards acts of this nature.”

Guido understands Atkinson racked up a bill at a restaurant, then an aide allegedly returned at a later date and was filmed haggling with staff to increase the bill so she could claim it on her expenses.


UPDATE: Tomorrow’s Sun have full details… with video.

mdi-tag-outline Cash Expenses Sleaze UKIP
mdi-account-multiple-outline Janice Atkinson
mdi-timer March 19 2015 @ 18:45 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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