Ed’s Senior Adviser Begs For Unity mdi-fullscreen

Ken is riding to Ed’s rescue on the airwaves, meanwhile the Labour leader’s new “senior political adviser” Jon Trickett has taken to the Staggers to plead with plotters:

“We’re the Labour Party and we are the Labour movement and one of our founding principles is that an attack on anyone of us, by the forces of darkness, our political foes, is an attack on all of us. If one of us is attacked then all of us are attacked.

The truth is that Ed Miliband has been subject to the most sustained level of attack and critique by the forces of reaction, our political foes, that I’ve ever seen and I was first elected 30 years ago this year. I’ve never seen anything like it.

I think there’s an absolute duty on us, when anyone of us is under attack, particularly somebody we’ve elected to lead us, not to allow that and not to feed the flames.

My own judgement, for what it’s worth, is that I will stand by anyone who is under attack.”

If there is no plot, why is Ed’s new point man begging for unity? And where is Andy Burnham?

UPDATE: A Labour insider gets in touch: “Trickett is verging on being educationally sub-normal.”


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