AUDIO: Shadow Cabinet Minister Warns Labour is “Dying” mdi-fullscreen

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The Tories are putting this audio clip about as a helpful contribution to the Miliband debate. Recorded speaking at a CLASS conference fringe event, Shadow Welsh Secretary Owen Smith twists the knife:

“We’ve got to be much bolder. That is the bottom line. We’ve got to be much bolder. Tim’s [Roache – GMB officer] pointed out the movement’s dying – he’s absolutely right. To be honest, I said it to him before he got up to speak. Unless we are much, much more vigorous, then we will not attract a new generation of people to fight in this country and if we don’t do that then we are lost.”

It’s all very well Peter Hain going on the radio this morning and accusing journalists of making up quotes, but as one Labour MP told Guido last night “there are concerns, people are anxious”. A lot of the criticism is on the record as well…

mdi-tag-outline Labour Party
mdi-account-multiple-outline Ed Miliband
mdi-timer November 7 2014 @ 10:10 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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