CCHQ Gestapo Interrogate UKIP Sympathising Tory Delegate mdi-fullscreen

Sources close to the airport-style security area at Tory conference have an intriguing tale about the whereabouts of a man who was let into the secure zone wearing a t-shirt sporting the slogan “Nigel has a point”. Guido is told that a furious  Tory official “dragged” the cheeky visitor, a party member, into a quiet room by the security fence and grilled him at length to determine whether he was a “security threat” to the conference, reportedly suspending his pass for several hours. A rare case of a Ukipper trying to get into the Tories, rather than the other way round…

mdi-tag-outline Tories UKIP
mdi-timer September 29 2014 @ 16:49 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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