MP Attacks Ed for Incompetent Message With Incompetent Attack mdi-fullscreen

Another day and another Labour MP joins the summer of discontent bandwagon. Though given the box-office appeal of Geraint Davies, Ed won’t be throwing his Michael Sandel summer reading off the villa balcony just yet. The Welsh MP has taken to the pages of the Indy to moan about Ed’s messaging:

“The party’s challenge is to provide a compelling case as to why Britain would be better off with Labour. Firstly, the problem is that the electorate doesn’t yet see a clear choice between the parties on cuts vs growth. Secondly, the Tories have been relentless in asserting that Labour messed up the economy. Not rebutting this charge makes us look like a shamefaced schoolboy admitting responsibility by omission.”

Amusingly the sage like member for Swansea West followed his rant about Labour being accused of over-spending, by admitting that Labour overspent in the boom years:

“Only a third of the 2010 deficit was due to Labour investing above earnings”

Only a third! So that’s alright then, because it was “investment” presumably? So Labour’s borrowing to spend left Britain in a terrible position to face a financial crisis, so only some of the deficit is their fault? When you are criticising your boss for incompetent messaging, it might be best to sort your own confused attack out first…

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mdi-account-multiple-outline Ed Miliband
mdi-timer August 6 2013 @ 13:11 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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