One for Mr Speaker mdi-fullscreen

Another day and another waste of six hundred pounds to make an MP feel like they are actually doing something. This EDM is a little silly:


Jo Swinson

That this House notes the continual lack of acceptance within all sections of society for those of short stature; notes that approximately one in 25,000 births to parents of average height is a baby of restricted growth; further notes that because of unfair stereotyping and the stigma associated with the disability, children and adults with restricted growth conditions and their families face thoughtless discrimination from the media, the wider public and some professionals and misplaced jokes and ridicule, including within this very House, which only serves to fuel ignorance about the condition.

Guido isn’t sure why Swinson’s fellow little ‘un Sarah Teather hasn’t signed up. Small fry though when compared to some of the bigger issues of the day.

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mdi-timer April 6 2011 @ 16:41 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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