The Labour Party Owes the Taxpayer £43,000 mdi-fullscreen

There’s an interesting anomaly in the election spending data that was published today. No prizes for guessing that the Tories outspent Labour 2:1, but it’s even bleaker for the reds. It seems that Labour were so broke they ended up with a government funded overdraft. Victoria Street haven’t paid six invoices,  five of which are for reimbursement for Ministers use of their government cars for party political purposes:

It seems it was not realised until September that Labour had only paid for a fraction of their party political use of ministerial cars. It’s a little odd that the use of the cars wasn’t declared at the time, were Labour using ministerial cars without admitting they were going to campaign events? Given their casual disregard for taxpayers money in office it wouldn’t really come as a surprise. The £43,000 black-hole needs to be cleared though, not that it will dent the other one they left.

mdi-tag-outline Cash Labour Party
mdi-timer December 2 2010 @ 13:22 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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