Court Report : Loonie Leftie (Tory Party Member) v Hilton & Gray mdi-fullscreen

So Johanna Kaschke had her case struck out, pending spurious appeal. She claimed it was libelous to call her a former member of the Respect/Labour Parties since that portrayed her as a “crazy leftie” (her words) and she was actually a (very recent) member of the Tory party who got Home Office funding and invites from Gordon Brown.

She said that there was a risk of setting a precedent that anything anyone posted online while drunk could be fairly used by journalists and in Court. Nevertheless, although she’s skint, she is willing to appeal Hilton and Gray’s costs to the highest level and appeal the refusal to grant her a right to appeal. It was, Guido thinks, David Osler who first suggested she was one-cherry short of a Schwarzwalder Kirschtorte. Judge for yourself her writings on her “Last Cherry” blog. Guido’s current favourite post is on the “The Freemasons and mathematical concepts” which covers Hitler’s Monetary System and the Knight’s Templar.

Alex could always counter-sue her for claiming that “Alex Hilton and Iain Dale also  having a good understanding as they are both part of the Homosexual community and we all know that the gay lobby is quite powerful these days.” This will be news to Mrs Hilton…

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mdi-timer July 23 2010 @ 16:09 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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