“He’s Bonkers” mdi-fullscreen

Former Labour General Secretary Peter Watt was in charge when Gordon bottled having an election. Over six pages the Mail on Sunday runs extracts from Peter Watt’s devastating inside account of the madness in the heart of Downing Street:

  • Mr Brown’s Cabinet ally Douglas Alexander said the PM’s inner circle wanted an early Election partly because even they didn’t like him – and they feared the British public would soon form the same view.
  • The day Mr Brown called off the 2007 Election, denying he had ever intended to hold one, Labour chiefs had a fleet of limousines circling Parliament Square ready to take Ministers on the campaign trail, and had 1.5million leaflets ready to be posted. Brown brazenly lied about the planned election to an incredulous press conference.
  • No. 10 is ‘completely dysfunctional’ under Mr Brown, who runs the country ‘by making it up as he goes along’.
  • After witnessing Brown behave bizarrely at a dinner, Watt’s wife told him “he’s bonkers”.

Guido had lunch with a former senior Downing Street adviser, who when Guido asked him directly did he “think Brown was bonkers?” went into a long soliloquy about the different Freudian personality types.  He concluded, in a matter of fact way, that Brown was a narcissistic, manic depressive. There is lots more of this to come out about Brown…

Pre Order copies:Inside Out“.

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mdi-timer January 9 2010 @ 23:11 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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