Gordon's Telegram from the Bunker mdi-fullscreen

Brown is BonkersGordon has slipped further into madness. He has actually had the audacity to attempt to emulate Churchill. This pile of desperate drivel just arrived into Guido’s inbox. 

Was this written by an intern?


If there’s one thing that our recent by-election successes and this week’s coverage about the £34 billion credibility gap in the Tories’ spending plans shows us, it’s that when we fight, we win.

I know that despite the icy conditions, so many of you are preparing to go out campaigning this weekend. That, for me, says it all about the spirit of our Labour Party – we never give in, we never give up, we fight for progress house by house, street by street, day by day.

If you want to get involved in the greatest fighting force for fairness our country has ever known, click here.

And I hope you will also take the time to check in on elderly neighbours and others in your community, as so many of you have been already, to ensure people stay safe and stay warm during the cold weather.

Earlier today the cabinet met to discuss how we intend to focus laser-like on two fronts: running the country and building the recovery. We are united in serving Britain and working as a team to lead our movement into a big choice election – taking the fight to the Tories and standing up for all the people of Britain.

Labour is on your side – wherever you’ve come from in life and wherever you want to get to in life. So let’s get the message out this weekend; we’re backing Britain’s aspirations, and we’re fighting to win.


Gordon Brown

P.S: If you can’t make it out to campaign this weekend you can still make a huge difference to our fight by donating just £10 today – every single penny you give will go towards our campaigning in the coming months.

Seems Gordon needs to get out of the bunker. Whoever around the Prime Mentalist approved this is as deluded as he is…

mdi-timer January 8 2010 @ 16:49 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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