Jane Kennedy Blames Gordon's Bullying mdi-fullscreen

Smeargate was the final straw for Jane Kennedy she says

Jane KennedyI’ve been unhappy for sometime about smears against colleagues, about the undermining of colleagues and friends orchestrated by Number 10. I can’t support it and I believe the Labour Party is part of reason for the rejection that people have indicated, and it’s a rejection of that kind of politics. I can’t distinguish between those around Gordon Brown smearing and Gordon Brown himself. It’s how politics is driven forward by Gordon and the people around him.

I fought against Militant in the 1980s and helped the Labour Party drive them out, because I was applled at their conduct: the bullying, the threats and the intimidation. I can’t stand by and say I am content when that is still happening. Everybody who is active in politics in Westminster knows what I’m alluding to.

We’ve never had the chance as a PLP to discuss the matters that arose out of the Damian McBride incident. My view is – and the view of many activists in my constituency – Gordon isn’t able to get our message across. That’s why voters are turning against us – his style, the type of politics he engages. My unhappiness is with the style of politics that Labour is exhibiting.

Target GordonThe bullying continues, Guido understands that the implicit menace being put about by Nick Brown, chief whip and Gordon’s enforcer, is exposure of expense misdemeanours in a career ending manner if you are disloyal. That is how they work, McBride may be gone, but his spirit lives on. Gordon operates like a mafia godfather, thuggish and threatening. The people have rejected him, will the party find a spine? Why is it only Labour’s women who have the balls to stand up to him?

mdi-tag-outline Labour Leadership
mdi-timer June 8 2009 @ 12:57 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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