Another Jacqui Supporter is a Labour Party Pen Friend mdi-fullscreen
Jacqui Smith must be really worried about losing her marginal seat. After her husband was exposed for writing letters of support (whilst being paid £40,000 by the taxpayer) it turns out that a Labour councillor who campaigns for Jacqui used her maiden name to write a letter to the press.

Patricia Lailey, using her maiden name Hill, told how the politician sympathised during a recent bereavement.

But Mrs Lailey didn’t mention she had been a Labour councillor for four years, and had worked with the MP on local issues.

She lives in Redditch, Worcs — the marginal seat Ms Smith is fighting to keep at the next election.

Mrs Lailey wrote in a national newspaper: “I recently lost my mum and Jacqui wrote a personal letter to me. She cares about us in Redditch.”

It is all getting a bit like the dying days of Nicolae Ceauşescu’s Romania; only the party faithful, the nomenklatura, senior police officers, those on the welfare payroll, the state bureaucracy and state broadcaster support a government led by a leader increasingly out of touch with reality. The ruling party is forced again and again to fake support in the media.

The Prime Mentalist told Andrew Marr* that he foresaw the economic dangers that he previously has repeatedly denied were real up until only last autumn. Taken in conjunction with his oft stated belief that he had abolished boom and bust, you have to wonder at his state of mind. Peter McKay this morning takes up the Is Brown Bonkers? meme, asking Is He Barmy?

*Andrew Marr saying on Sunday that David Frost was a “lightweight” was classic. Here is a clip of Marr demonstrating his gravitas.

Hat-tip : The Sun

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mdi-timer January 5 2009 @ 10:04 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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