Stockwell Shocker
The jury has been off to retrace Menezes’ last moments at Stockwell station. Did they notice this inappropriate film poster?

From an email going viral.

mdi-timer 23 September 2008 @ 14:44 23 Sep 2008 @ 14:44 mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-comment View Comments
Gordon Live Chat

Post Match Live Blog Statistics:
Email Reminders Set Up: 28
Total Blog Page Hits: 2545
Total Unique Viewers: 1279
Avg. Unique Viewer Duration on Blog: 11 min.

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Viewer Chat Messages Sent: 4046
Viewer Chat Messages Published: 3509

mdi-timer 23 September 2008 @ 12:49 23 Sep 2008 @ 12:49 mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-comment View Comments
Miliband is Gr8

Miliband’s PPS Dan Norris sent the following text to selected sympathetic* Labour MP’s last night:

If you’re at conference pls make a point of speaking to lobby correspondents who are trying to distort party unity, to help them u’stand David’s speech was a unifying one which is why it went down so well in the hall. Thanks.

That spin line didn’t exactly work…

*Not all are as sympathetic as they think, obviously.

mdi-timer 23 September 2008 @ 11:10 23 Sep 2008 @ 11:10 mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-comment View Comments
Thieving Parasitical Journalists

Remember this?Well the Evening Standard stole the picture for that afternoon’s late edition:

Click to enlarge.

No picture credit, no payment. Associated Newspapers made £83m last year. For some reason employees of Associated Newspapers seem to be the the most common thieving parasites – lifting stories without credit or payment. Guido has had a few run-ins with diarists, most of which have been settled amicably over a bottle or two. Not Sebastian Shakespeare however, he is the editor of the Londoner’s Diary in the Standard and he is a thieving ****ing magpie. Latest examples: Exhibit A, Exhibit B. He makes no bones about it, in a heated row last year Sebastian admitted he steals Guido’s work and “so what?” Harry Phibbs who freelances for Londoner’s Diary subsequently had lunch with Guido and said that it should be taken as a compliment. Like a burglar being caught and saying to his victim “never mind, we both have great taste in old masterpieces”. F*** off you thief.

Over the last five years the number of stories lifted is reaching triple figures, Peter MacKay’s Ephraim Hardcastle in the Daily Mail is another thieving f***ing magpie.

After yet another round of story thieving by the Telegraph’s Andrew Pierce, a hack who has built his career on nicking other people’s stories, he denied lifting the story from Guido on the technicality that he had copied it from Private Eye, who had lifted it verbatim from Guido.

Guido always tries to credit the source of a story with a link. It is not just honest and good manners, it pays dividends in traffic terms. Here is the difference in understanding between online writers and dead tree writers. Bloggers understand that if you increase the usefulness of your site with useful links, you get more traffic. Something that the dead tree press has only just realised – see here, here and here to learn why linking is a good strategy for dead-tree mediasaurs online. Pierce, Shakespeare and the rest take note. A case of Margaux is better than a link mind you.

If you rob someone else’s work, continuously, and pass it off as your own, you will be named and shamed. Meantime an invoice is in the post for the stolen picture.

mdi-timer 23 September 2008 @ 10:45 23 Sep 2008 @ 10:45 mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-comment View Comments
Labour Not Gr8
Labour introduced a text and remind feature for their corporate fringe advertisers. It wasn’t working yesterday. MessageSpace offers an alternative, fully functioning free text and remind service to LibDem, Labour and Conservative conference goers…

By popular request Guido will be live blogging the Brown speech from 2 pm this afternoon and you will all be able to join in the fun in the Cover It Live chatroom. Don’t forget by using this reminder thingy. It should be a barrel of laughs.

Will anyone give Guido odds on the Prime Mentalist saying “Getting on with the job”? Please?

mdi-timer 23 September 2008 @ 08:36 23 Sep 2008 @ 08:36 mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-comment View Comments
Flashback : Brown 2005 Speech on “Light Touch Regulation”
Today’s speech will no doubt include a section about how he for many years had, with great insight, been calling for global financial regulation. His speech in 2005 to the CBI however was pure New Labour neo-liberalism, praising enterprise, free markets and globalisation. He promised the corporate class deregulation, a “new risk based model of regulation” for financial services

“no inspection without justification, no form filling without justification, and no information requirements without justification, not just a light touch but a limited touch.”

So there was no risk-based reason to clamp down on Northern Rock?

Osborne in the Indy catches Balls at it as well

“But the real prize for memory loss must go to Ed Balls. On Monday he said that those who had advocated “light touch regulation” had been, in his words, “routed”. This is the same Ed Balls who as Chief Economic Adviser to the Treasury for eight years boasted about the “light touch” regime of City regulation he had designed. This is also the same Ed Balls who then as City Minister called for “a light touch approach at the global and EU level”. The star player of Labour’s football team has scored a spectacular own-goal.”

Do they really think that Labour supporters are too stupid to notice the about turn?

UPDATE : Maybe not, LabourHome is mocking Balls’ conversion.

mdi-timer 23 September 2008 @ 06:04 23 Sep 2008 @ 06:04 mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-comment View Comments
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