Boris Loses Another Adviser mdi-fullscreen
If you are going to stand for public office, don’t lie about your CV. With questions already hanging over him Ray Lewis made an exaggerated claim that he was a Justice of the Peace rather than merely approved to be a Justice of the Peace. In the context of questions about his probity, that was a fatal untruth.

Boris supporters talk darkly of a dirt digging campaign by supporters of Socialist Action, the far left clique that surrounded Ken. Guido has no idea if there is any truth in it, nor does he think the information source to be relevant. If Ray Lewis was completely straight and honest, there would have been no need to resign. Politicians are put in positions of trust, past misdemeanours don’t necessarily disqualify a reformed individual from public office. Lying in the present does.

UPDATE : A co-conspirator points out that this week’s Time Out London quotes Ken Livingstone as saying he “rates Lewis as ‘imaginative’, and says he wishes he’d got him on board.” Boris wasn’t the only one mislead clearly…

mdi-account-multiple-outline Boris Johnson
mdi-timer July 5 2008 @ 07:27 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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