So Much for Anonymity mdi-fullscreen
UPDATE : Not being a fan of navel-gazing, or blogging about blogging, Guido will keep this short. The anonymity which Guido sought to maintain was actually broken by the Guardian in February 2005 after a tip-off from a Labour party employee. A phone number used by Guido was reversed traced and the name of the alter ego was passed to Ros Taylor. She published it in an amusing little piece highlighting a psychedelic youth. So the name of the person channelling the ghost of Guido Fawkes onto the internet has only been a secret to those who were lacking in the wit to Google Who is Guido Fawkes?

This week will see some features and presentational changes to the blog, including an “about” section. The blog’s style of approach and mission to entertain at the expense of politicians will remain unchanged.

mdi-timer February 12 2007 @ 08:02 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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