This Morning the Smith Institute Met in No. 11 mdi-fullscreen
The arrogance of the Sith is incredible. Despite being warned by the Charity Commission to hold events at politically neutral venues, they held yet another event this morning at No. 11.

A co-conspirator tells Guido

Alistair Darling was “looking very proprietorial ” telling the assembled business executives how it will be in future. Attending were some ministers, no politicians from other parties, but some Labour backbenchers.

With Gordon’s future chancellor and only Labour MPs present, seems to Guido to be a little bit political and far from neutral. If you have not yet watched Iain Dale’s ten minute documentary on the Smith Institute, click here.

UPDATE : Dizzy has picked-up on the Treasury’s John Healey avoiding answering questions about EMI. Wonder why?

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mdi-timer January 31 2007 @ 15:03 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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