Wonk Watch : Flight’s Summer Party mdi-fullscreen

Propeller-Head Wonk Watch: Howard Flight hosted a summer party last night in aid of the Globalisation Institute, the think- tank/charity of which he is chairman. Guido took as his date a girl who was really too young and wore a skirt so short it showed off her knickers. She got bored with the whole thing and ran off down Cowley Street. Baby Ms Fawkes is quite fast for 14 months.

The G.I. specialises in international development issues. Cameroonie think-tanks are thin on the ground (Policy Exchange is the other one) so George Osborne was on hand to give the keynote speech. Basically saying, “we could be in power soon, so give these chaps some money”. Peter Lilley, chairman of the Global Poverty Commission developing policy for the next manifesto, was there along with Andrew Mitchell, shadow Development Secretary and Alan Duncan who formerly had Mitchell’s job. So clearly the think-tank does have the ear of the Tories.

Chatting with Cornerstone’s charming spin-doctor Nick Wood, he bristled at my suggestion that Cornerstone represented Golf-Club-Tories. Most of the attendees seemed confident in a way that Tories have not been for a very long time. Amazing what a poll lead can do for morale.

Flight threw us all out at 8.30, which was just as well because Ms Fawkes had definitely had enough of the party. It was way past her bedtime.

mdi-timer June 7 2006 @ 15:46 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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