Cameron : “Bring It On” mdi-fullscreen
The Cameroonies are pretty elated with passing their first electoral test, they will be even more pleased if the Populus poll results for tomorrow’s Times leaked to Iain Dale are correct.
Guido’s unscientific interpretation of those figures is that 3% of English “Don’t Know” voters so detest the “Scottish Tax and Spend Socialist” that they would bother to vote against him the best way they can. They know one thing, they hate Brown.

UPDATE: Corrected to show that Labour’s share rises from 30% to 31%, and the Tory share rises from 38% to 41% in a Brown v Cameron fight. Dumping Blair gains 1% for Labour from their base which is repelled by New Labour and motivates 3% more Tory votes. Thanks to Gregor for pointing that out.

mdi-timer May 8 2006 @ 20:43 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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