When Will Blair Go? mdi-fullscreen
Blair just gave a speech to the Labour Party spring conference which was bullish, he monstered Cameron on Wednesday, his confidence is back and he looks to have found an approach to dealing with the reinvigorated opposition. Is he ever going to go?

Guido asked that expert on all things Labour, Recess Monkey, when did he think Blair would go? The Monkey got his diary out and gave a specific date in September 2006. He explained that constitutionally the Labour leadership comes up for renewal every year. No nominations have been made for an opponent since Blair implemented the project. “Brown”, said the Monkey, “would be nominated at the very last possible moment to avoid any other opponents organising”.

Mind you, the Monkey did previously tell Guido that Blair would go within six months of the May 2005 election. So is this wishful thinking again? Guido favours the Aznar option, Blair steps down as leader of the Labour party, but remains PM with the support of the Labour party until the end of his term. Brown beds in as Labour leader, Blair has his long goodbye as PM and out-distances Thatcher into the bargain.

Guido has put a few quid on Betfair @ 8/1 for Blair to go in September 2006.
Just in case…

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mdi-account-multiple-outline Margaret Thatcher
mdi-timer February 10 2006 @ 17:27 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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