Hemming Lobbies for Nominations mdi-fullscreen

From: John Hemming [mailto:john.hemming@jhc.co.uk]
Sent: 09 January 2006 14:09

To: YOUNGER-ROSS, Richard; WILLOTT, Jenny; WILLIS, Phillip; WILLIAMS, Stephen; WILLIAMS, Roger; WILLIAMS, Mark; THURSO, John; TEATHER, Sarah; TAYLOR, Matthew (MP); SWINSON, Jo; STUNELL, Andrew; SMITH, Robert; SANDERS, Adrian; RUSSELL, Bob; ROWEN, Paul; ROGERSON, Dan; REID, Alan; PUGH, John; OPIK, Lembit; OATEN, Mark; MULHOLLAND, Greg; MOORE, Michael; LEECH, John; LAWS, David; LAMB, Norman; KRAMER, Susan; KEETCH, Paul; HUHNE, Chris; HUGHES, Simon; HORWOOD, Martin; HEATH, David; HARVEY, Nick; HARRIS, Evan; HANCOCK, Mike; GOLDSWORTHY, Julia; GIDLEY, Sandra; GEORGE, Andrew; FOSTER, Don; FEATHERSTONE, Lynne; FARRON, Tim; DAVEY, Edward; CLEGG, Nick; CARMICHAEL, Alistair; CABLE, Vincent; BURT, Lorely; BURSTOW, Paul; BRUCE, Malcolm; BROWNE, Jeremy; BROOKE, Annette; BREED, Colin; BRAKE, Tom; BEITH,Alan; BARRETT, John; BAKER, Norman; ALEXANDER, Danny; WEBB, Steve; HOWARTH,David; HOLMES, PAUL; HUNTER, Mark

Subject: Collection of Nominations

Colleagues will be aware that I have started the process of organising a leadership campaign. I am aware that some colleagues are supporting Ming Campbell – who will make a good leader for the party if he wins.

It will take me some time to talk to colleagues about the process of nomination and I would request that people give me the time to make my pitch before deciding who to nominate.

Tell us your pitch John, purrleeeeaaase, what qualifies you to lead this great party?

UPDATE: John Hemming writes “Patience, Patience my friend.” Guido is on tenterhooks, what can he do to assist the Brummie Love Machine, Proto-Geek and Political Theorist?

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