Cameron : Cannabis Whispers mdi-fullscreen
Friends of Doc Fox have been whispering out of the corner of their mouths in the smoke-filled bars of Blackpool about Cameron’s flirtation with cannabis, both politically and in his student days. Sly and snide, methinks.

Cameron has in the past hinted that he sees some merit in decriminalising weed and has as good as admitted he smoked some wacky ‘baccy at university. Reactionaries should know that that this would in fact make him normal in modern Britain.

Guido is shocked at these good Christians spreading these rumours. Cameron should admit he inhaled – so what? Turn the smear back on the smearers.

mdi-timer October 6 2005 @ 15:45 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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