“MY BOOZE AND SEX SHAME” mdi-fullscreen
Jim Devine wants to represent Labour in Robin Cook’s old seat. He wants to carry on in the same tradition as Cook.

Shouldn’t be too hard for him. When Robin Cook abandoned his wife for his mistress she wrote fondly of finding him passed out on the floor after he had boozed himself senseless. The Daily Record reports Jim Devine yesterday telling

…of his shame over a string of affairs and a drink-driving conviction.

The union official has been selected by Labour to fight the Livingston by-election after the death of Robin Cook. And he promised to honour his friend’s memory by being honest about his own past mistakes. “I had a number of affairs which I regret…Temptation has been there and I gave in to it. I am not going to pretend otherwise… I caused a lot of pain.” He also admitted a drink-driving conviction five years ago.

So he is another drunken, shagger just like Robin Cook. Bravo Livingston Labour party for maintaining traditions.

mdi-timer August 27 2005 @ 11:11 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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