Nobody Wins With 39% mdi-fullscreen
Sedgefield – Reg Keys got 1 in 10 of the votes in Blair’s own constituency – his speech visibly managed to make Blair look a bit choked.

Labour majority looks to be 66, Stephen Twigg did not take it like a man, Gorgeous fought and won his own intifada against New Labour, Milburn is to go back to his family (Gordon helps back his bags). Labour’s victory came on the back of the smallest winning share of the vote ever recorded.

Guido was surprised at the LibDems poor showing, not a real alternative at all. The Tories failed to break 200 seats, which was the target, so no victory parade for them.

The winner, with 39% of the electorate, was the Nullist party with none-of-the-above.

mdi-account-multiple-outline Tony Blair
mdi-timer May 6 2005 @ 09:38 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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