WriteToThem.com Launches mdi-fullscreen
WriteToThem.com is a website that uses your postcode to contact your MP, councillor or other representative following on from the success of FaxYourMP.com. MySociety, the charitable project founded by Tom Steinberg also established UpMyStreet.com, and TheyWorkForYou.com, which shows what any MP has been up to in parliament. He insists that most MPs appreciated the service FaxYourMP.com gives constituents, despite the work for their offices. The site weeds out abuse, non-constituents, and spam.

Its league table of MPs replying within 14 days found Conservatives were best and Liberal Democrats worst of the major parties. Labour MPs Ronnie Campbell, Des Browne and David Watts, and Sinn Fein’s Pat Doherty, replied to none.

mdi-timer February 15 2005 @ 09:59 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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