Opus Dei and Missed Votes mdi-fullscreen
Good to see a fellow member of the one true apostolic church in charge of the education of the nation’s children. Ruth Kelly follows the true church’s teaching on contraception, hence her four children (Eamonn, Sinead, Roisin and Niamh) in rapid succession, three of which were produced in one parliament. Kelly opposes abortion, euthanasia and stem cell research, rumour has it she takes these issues so seriously that she will not take a post at DfID or Health because it may require her to condone that which her faith forbids.

Last week she somehow avoided the three-line whip vote on living wills that so upset the Cardinal. She has also missed votes in June 1998 and February 2000 to lower the age of consent for gay sex to 16. She did not vote in an amendment to require single faith schools schools to take in non-believers in 2002. She also forgot to vote for the government plan to allow gay couples to adopt children in 2002.

With all those children it must be hard to find the time, what with attending meetings of Opus Dei as well. It’s not for me to gossip about God’s work…

mdi-timer December 20 2004 @ 07:24 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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