Finally, David Davis Goes For It. mdi-fullscreen
David Davis: “If, frankly, he took the papers in and if that led to influence, even if he didn’t give the instruction in writing, as I’m sure he didn’t … that I’m afraid is a very unwise thing for him to do and I think it’s a resigning issue.”

Teasy May: “This is the whole question of the use or misuse of public resources by David Blunkett”.

Charlie Kennedy mumbled something about the “corrosive effect on his position” was “going to be very, very damaging, unfortunately for him personally, and without doubt, for the overall trust factor for the government as a whole.”

So as Guido predicted David Davis has finally decided to call for Blunkett’s head. After 2 weeks he has made the calculation that Blunkett is likely to fall. This is not without risk for Davis, if Blunkett survives, Davis will have failed badly. However if Blunkett is decapitated, Davis will be a hero on the opposition back benches since a bloody blow will have been landed on Labour.

The prize is the post-election leadership of the Tory party.
mdi-timer December 6 2004 @ 07:07 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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