CCHQ Freeze MPs and Associations Out of Vote Source


Tory MPs and local associations are seething after CCHQ blocked them from using the party’s Vote Source campaign software during the referendum. Vote Source is the Tories’ purpose-built database which allows them to target individual voters, a crucial campaign tool for any election or referendum:

VoteSource and the EU Referendum

Please read carefully:

In accordance with the decision of the Party Board – Access to the Campaign Section of VoteSource will be suspended during the EU Referendum Campaign.

Access to Campaigning will only be granted for Local By-Election activity.

Please contact your member of Field Staff to arrange this access.

This means the 142 Leave MPs and overwhelmingly Brexit-backing associations cannot run selections or export voter mailing and email data. Being frozen out of their own campaigning data has not surprisingly gone down like a cup of cold sick among Eurosceptic Tories, who are the hardest hit by the party board’s decision. The party is trying every trick to nobble Outers…

UPDATE: Mark Wallace at ConHome reports that the Remain campaign appears to have had access to voter data.

mdi-timer 24 May 2016 @ 10:36 24 May 2016 @ 10:36 mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-comment View Comments
Computer Says No: Last Minute Tory Campaign Software Fail

Uh oh. Looks like the Tories are having serious problems with their Vote Source campaign software, which is failing to generate knock up slips of people who are registered but have yet to vote:

This is a message from CCHQ that I’ve been asked to send out to London officers: ‘Vote Source’ isn’t generating knock up slips in committee rooms. Can you urgently ring each user and ask them to stop generating more as it is making the queue even longer! You can generate them from the control room. Vs team working on issue will be fixed soon.

“It would happen on polling day” laments a Tory source…

mdi-timer 7 May 2015 @ 15:18 7 May 2015 @ 15:18 mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-comment View Comments