Tory Local Elections Wipeout? The Heat Rises on Project Sunak mdi-fullscreen

Voters head to the polls for local elections today to elect eleven mayors, 2,600 councillors, 37 police and crime commissioners, as well as a new Blackpool South MP. The results will be significant, setting the mood music for the upcoming general election – and how internal Tory politics plays out over the summer. As always, Guido gives you the run down of what to expect when the results start rolling in…

Labour is streaking ahead by a solid and consistent 20 points in the national polls. On that basis, it is fair to say the Tories are going to struggle almost everywhere. The main Conservative talking point of the past 24 hours has been that London is looking closer than thought – but it seems very unlikely Susan Hall will ultimately beat Sadiq Khan clinching a third term. The government is spinning hard that winning just one of the Tees Valley or West Midlands mayoralties would be an incredible success. Both are in doubt in the final polling. Labour is managing down expectations on both – a sign that they are attempting to increase the damage should the Tories lose them. A mayoral wipeout would trigger major incoming flak for Team Sunak – but holding Tees Valley alone (Ben Houchen is the least Sunakite of the candidates) may not help them much either. Especially given he is an acolyte of Boris Johnson…

Notably, all the Tory mayoral candidates have distanced themselves from Rishi in their campaigns. The media has lost track of what is happening in Blackpool South, where Reform could well beat the Tories into second place. The results will drip out over the next few days. Watch out for some neck breaking spin. Guido will, as ever, help decode it…

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