Watson Quits Unite Lad Pad after Row With Red Len mdi-fullscreen

tom len

Tom Watson has moved out of the flat he rented from a top Unite official after falling out with Len McCluskey. For years Watson has rented from Unite director Jim Mowatt – indeed he used the share the flat with Red Len a few years back. However in the last few weeks Labour’s deputy leader packed his bags and left. What caused the sudden move? It is no secret that Watson and McCluskey’s long friendship has suffered greatly during Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership. McCluskey has taken a hardline pro-Corbyn stance – he is said to be in thrall to his girlfriend Karie Murphy, Watson’s former office manager who is now a top Corbynista and key aide in the leader’s office. Watson on the other hand has repeatedly tried to get Corbyn to resign, leading to a complete breakdown in his relationship with McCluskey. It looks like things got so bad that Watson had to move out of the Unite lad pad. Or perhaps Tom just decided he needed more space after renting a room in a shared house for so long. Either way, he has been living in hotels ever since…

UPDATE: Watson gets in touch to say he isn’t living in a hotel. Hope he’s found somewhere nice.

mdi-tag-outline Labour Party Unions
mdi-account-multiple-outline Len McCluskey Tom Watson
mdi-timer August 9 2016 @ 12:11 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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