Boris and Farage Pan Dave’s Red Card mdi-fullscreen

Boris ain’t convinced: “the PM is making best of a bad job, there’s still a lot more to do, a lot more to do on this”. Asked if there is any positive from Dave’s deal: “Ermmm…”

Farage meanwhile tells the European Parliament:

“the Prime Minister is saying we’ve got a red card, isn’t that wonderful? Well what that means is if a majority of parliaments in the European Union can say to Mr Juncker they don’t want one of his directives, is that a cause for celebration? I mean if 15 parliaments couldn’t stop a piece of law we would be living in a communist dictatorship”

Juncker this morning made clear that the emergency brake on immigration actually coming into effect was a pipe dream. Dave is going to get roasted by his backbenchers in the post-PMQs EU debate…

mdi-tag-outline EU Tories UKIP
mdi-account-multiple-outline Boris Johnson Nigel Farage
mdi-timer February 3 2016 @ 11:43 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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