Indy: “Time to Grant ISIS Diplomatic Recognition” mdi-fullscreen

The Stop the War disease is spreading. This article published on the Independent’s online opinion section today says the international community should “grant ISIS diplomatic recognition”:


The writer claims:

“Only by recognising and treating Isis as a bona fide state can we hope to understand its workings and motivations”

Going on to argue that recognising ISIS’ legitimacy will “moderate their behaviour”:

“History shows that diplomatic recognition of extremist governments can make them more likely to moderate their behaviour. While pariahs are able behave with impunity, when brought within the international system, they become subject to constraints. The most striking example of this was the Soviet Union.”

Concluding that “extending diplomatic recognition to ISIS” is the only “credible” option:

“Only by accepting reality and extending diplomatic recognition to Isis can the West hope to gain a credible means to moderate and constrain its further advance. The Soviet scenario is now the least worst option: it is time to forge a long peace with militant Islam.”

It has to be read to be believed. Who commissions this stuff?

mdi-tag-outline Independent ISIS
mdi-timer December 16 2015 @ 11:53 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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