Generation Snow-Faking Victimhood mdi-fullscreen


Julia Hartley-Brewer has justifiably got angry about being accused of bullying by a teenage Guardian writer who came off worse in a public debate with her. Julia wrote about the debate in The Telegraph, deriding her opponent’s views without naming her. The Guardian writer then started claiming she was, as a result, being bullied. This set Louise Mensch off:

That in turn set off a load of fellow-travelling snowflakers, culminating in the Sainted Stella Creasy getting involved and berating Julia. (They have previous.)

No one tweeted anything to her until SHE herself tweeted out the link. She has since accused me of “bullying” her, that I “misrepresented” her and claimed she has received “abuse” as a result. She insists on .@ ing all her tweets to Louise Mensch and me so everyone can see them. She hasn’t received a single abusive tweet that I can find. She is a fame-hungry fantasist and the poster girl for the feminista victimhood.

This is another example of that smartphone immersed “snowflake generation” of victimhood-seeking, privilege-checking whiners getting far too much unwarranted attention*…

*Not naming the teenage Guardianista because we’re determined not to give her the SEO-enhancing satisfaction of being able in the manner of Laurie Penny to claim Guido bullied her as well.

mdi-tag-outline Media Guido
mdi-account-multiple-outline Julia Hartley-Brewer Louise Mensch Stella Creasy
mdi-timer December 15 2015 @ 13:32 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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