Green Subsidy Queen Cries Over Cuts mdi-fullscreen


Juliet Davenport, the Green subsidy queen who specialises in rinsing the taxpayer for her grand eco-schemes, has slammed the government for ending onshore wind subsidies a year earlier than planned. Apparently DECC’s short-sightedness will compromise the UK’s energy security…

That would be the same DECC who just approved her husband Mark Shorrock’s £1 billion plan to concrete over Swansea harbour and turn it into an experimental tidal power station. Once the Swansea project is built, Mark will be able to pass on taxpayer subsidised electricity to Juliet’s energy supply company Good Energy, which will sell it on for a premium. Kerching!

mdi-tag-outline Gaia Fawkes Windmills
mdi-account-multiple-outline Juliet Davenport Mark Shorrock
mdi-timer June 25 2015 @ 16:04 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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